
While many complications may arise during childbirth, one of the worst complications of pregnancy is the rupture of the uterus. The term uterine rupture is used for any of a series of events, from a weak spot in the uterine wall to the tearing open of the uterus and the fetus, extruding a lot of blood into mother’s abdomen.

If the rupture occurs during the labor and delivery period, the baby may recede back into the birth canal. When this happens, the baby can go into fetal distress, where it is then necessary to perform an emergency c-section.

If you or a loved one has suffered a VBAC or uterine rupture in Michigan during childbirth, consider reaching out to a compassionate lawyer for help. By speaking with a knowledgeable birth injury attorney at Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C., you could understand your legal options and have help moving forward with the ensuing legal process.

Signs of Uterine Rupture

Severe uterine rupture is indicated by extreme, localized pain and abnormalities shown in the heart rate of the fetus. There can be vaginal bleeding, with the vaginal examination showing the baby not as low in the birth canal as they had been previously. If diagnosed during labor, an emergency cesarean is usually performed, where the baby’s life is usually saved.

If this occurred outside of healthcare settings, however, it is likely to lead to very serious consequences. No matter the circumstances, however, a lawyer could help to gather evidence surrounding a uterine rupture for a civil claim.

Risk of a Ruptured Uterine Wall

Many uterine ruptures are without symptoms and cause no problems for the fetus or mother. In the event of a severe form of uterine rupture, however, the mother may hemorrhage and need a blood transfusion. In extreme circumstances, the uterus may not even be repairable and must be removed surgically. The baby might not survive due to the lack of oxygen and, at times, even the mother’s life cannot be saved. If the baby does survive, he or she may have suffered a serious brain injury due to the lack of oxygen.

Because of these risks, any severe pain in the abdomen should be reported to the physician immediately. Women who are at risk for uterine rupture should have regular medical check-ups. Those who have experienced major uterine surgeries should schedule for a cesarean only.

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean

Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) refers to the practice of birthing a baby vaginally after a previous infant has been delivered via cesarean section. According to the American Pregnancy Association, 60-80% of women who have undergone cesarean deliveries are candidates for VBAC. Approximately 60-80% of women opting for VBAC will successfully give birth vaginally.

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the chance of experiencing a uterine rupture is .2 to 1.5%. Research studies show increased amounts of uterine ruptures for women who are induced during labor. Some women experience a rupture during a difficult forceps delivery, which may also have its own complications. However, there are certain women that should not consider a VBAC. These include:

  • A mother who has 2 or more C-Sections• An expectant mother age 40 or over
  • A woman carrying multiple babies
  • A pregnant woman who is past her due date or who is expecting a large baby
  • A woman whose labor has been induced
  • Someone diagnosed with Placenta Previa
  • A woman whose baby is presenting abnormally in the birth canal
  • Women with uterine abnormalities

By speaking with a knowledgeable Michigan VBAC and uterine rupture attorney, an injured mother could discuss their legal rights to seek compensation in the event of a doctor or physician’s negligence during birth.

Michigan VBAC and Uterine Rupture Lawyer

How a Michigan VBAC and Uterine Rupture Attorney Might Help

To be prepared for VBAC emergencies, every hospital must have adequate equipment and staffing. This includes a need for doctors to monitor patients for signs of fetal distress which, if left unattended, could quickly result in birth asphyxia. If distress is discovered—by the use of fetal monitoring strips or other devices—doctors must also be prepared to perform a C-section.

When a mother suffers a uterine rupture—or if their child suffers an injury—as a result of the negligence of a doctor, hospital, or nursing staff, it may give rise to a malpractice lawsuit. During this time, it is often essential to contact a lawyer who is experienced with Michigan VBAC and uterine rupture claims to review the facts of a case and determine whether a mother and their child are entitled to compensation.

A knowledgeable attorney at Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. could help to explain your rights, guide you through the legal process, and work to file a claim for compensation. To discuss your legal options, call today.

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